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BukuCall environments: research, practice, and critical issues
Author: Egbert, Joy (Editor); Hanson - Smith, Elizabeth (Editor)
Topik: Language and languages - computer assted instrucion; Language of technology; Computer assisted language learning; Language acquisition
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 978-193118543-1    Edisi: 2nd ed.    
Penerbit: TESOL, Inc.     Tempat Terbit: Alexandria    Tahun Terbit: 2007    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: 418.00028522 CAL, 418.0028522 CAL
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Introduction: Foundations for Teaching and Learning, halaman 1-15
  2. Theory and Research: Interaction via Computers, halaman 19-31
  3. Classroom Practice: Problem-Based Language Learning, halaman 32-41
  4. Critical issues: Places and Spaces, halaman 42-58
  5. Theory and Research: Audience, Language Use, and Language Learning, halaman 61-70
  6. Classroom Practice: E-mail and Web Projects, halaman 71-89
  7. Critical Issues: Resources/for CALL, halaman 90-107
  8. Theory and Research: Investigating Authenticity, halaman 111-130
  9. Classroom Practice: Content and Language, halaman 131-144
  10. Critical Issues: Limited-Technology Contexts, halaman 145-160
  11. Theory and Research: Interaction and Awareness, halaman 163-171
  12. Language and languages - computer assted instrucion; Language of technology; Computer assisted language learning; Language acquisition, halaman 173-193
  13. Classroom Practice: Tasks for Collaborative Learning, halaman 194-209
  14. Critical Issues: Creativity and CALL, halaman 210-223
  15. Theory and Research: New Emphases of Assessment, halaman 227-241
  16. Classroom Practice: Practical Classroom Assessment, halaman 242-258
  17. Classroom Practice: Assessing Instructional Goals, halaman 259-275
  18. Critical Issues: Professional Development, halaman 276-292
  19. Theory and Research: Language Learning Strategies, halaman 295-305
  20. Classroom Practice: Critical Thinking, halaman 306-318
  21. Critical issues: Visuality, halaman 319-329
  22. Theory and Research: Classroom Atmosphere, halaman 333-348
  23. Classroom Practice: Learner Engagement, halaman 349-361
  24. Critical Issues: Culturally Responsive CALL, halaman 362-374
  25. Theory and Research: Autonomy and Language Learning, halaman 377-389
  26. Classroom Practice: Virtual Environments, halaman 390-403
  27. Critical Issues: Blended Learning, halaman 404-421
  28. 20 Minutes into the Future, halaman 425-436
  29. Afterword: The Future Is Now, halaman 437-455

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