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BukuHandbook of depression and anxiety
Author: Kasper, Siegfried (Editor); Den Boer, Johan A. (Editor); Sitsen, J.M. Ad. (Editor)
Topik: Depression; Anxiety
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-8247-0872-5    
Penerbit: Marcel Dekker     Tempat Terbit: New York    Tahun Terbit: 2002    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (BSD)
    • Nomor Panggil: R.616.89 HAN
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. A Conceptual History of Anxiety and Depression, halaman 1-47
  2. Epidemiology of Depression and Anxiety, halaman 49-68
  3. Comorbidity of Depression and Anxiety, halaman 69-90
  4. Anxiety, Depression, and Personality, halaman 91-110
  5. Is There a Common Etiology for Depression and Anxiety?, halaman 111-125
  6. Measurements of Depression and Anxiety Disorders, halaman 127-149
  7. Combining Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy for Depression and Anxiety, halaman 151-163
  8. Genetics of Depression, halaman 165-187
  9. Genetics of Anxiety, halaman 189-205
  10. Stress-Responsive Neurohormones in Depression and Anxiety, halaman 207-228
  11. Neuropeptide Alterations in Depression and Anxiety Disorders, halaman 229-265
  12. Immunology in Anxiety and Depression, halaman 267-288
  13. Brain Imaging in Depression and Anxiety, halaman 289-329
  14. Neurobiology of Anxiety and Depression, halaman 331-347
  15. Intracellular Signaling Transduction Dysregulation in Depression and Possible Future Targets for Antidepressant Therapy: Beyond the Serotonin Hypothesis, halaman 349-386
  16. Norepinephrine in Depression and Anxiety, halaman 387-414
  17. Benzodiazepines, Benzodiazepine Receptors, and Endogenous Ligands, halaman 415-442
  18. Antidepressants for the Treatment of Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Same Mechanism of Action?, halaman 443-456
  19. Studies on the Neurobiology of Depression, halaman 457-503
  20. Animal Models of Subtypes of Depression, halaman 505-544
  21. Pathogenesis of Depression: Reconsideration of Neurotransmitter Data by Depletion Paradigms, halaman 545-560
  22. Effects of Antidepressants on Specific Neurotransmitters: Are Such Effects Relevant to Therapeutic Actions?, halaman 561-582
  23. Pharmacotherapy of Depression: The Acute and Long-Term Perspective, halaman 583-598
  24. Pharmacotherapy of Bipolar Disorder, halaman 599-613
  25. Development of New Treatment Options for Depression, halaman 615-627
  26. The Depressed Patient: From Nonresponse to Complete Remission, halaman 629-640
  27. Pharmacogenetics of Mood Disorders: Is There a Future?, halaman 641-656
  28. Theories of the Etiology of Anxiety, halaman 657-679
  29. Animal Models of Anxiety and Anxiolytic Drug Action, halaman 681-702
  30. Provocation of Anxiety States in Humans and Its Possible Significance for the Pathogenesis of These Disorders, halaman 703-731
  31. Pharmacotherapy of Anxiety Disorders, halaman 733-756
  32. Pharmacotherapy of Mixed Anxiety/Depression Disorders, halaman 757-778
  33. New and Emerging Therapies for Anxiety, halaman 779-788
  34. Scales Used in Depression and Anxiety Research, halaman 789-808

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