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ArtikelAsfiksia Bayi Baru Lahir dan Program Resusitasi Neonatus  
Oleh: Hadi, Ella Nurlaella ; Pratomo, Hadi
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - tidak terakreditasi DIKTI - atma jaya
Dalam koleksi: Majalah Kesehatan Perkotaan vol. 13 no. 02 (Dec. 2006), page 109-118.
Topik: Birth Asphyxia-neonatal Resuscitation
Fulltext: Ella_Hadi.pdf (1.19MB)
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Isi artikelBirth asphyxia is the ability of a newborn to initiate and sustain breathing at birth. Asphyxia is estimated to account for 30% of the 4 million neonatal deaths and approximately 40% of the estimated 3.9 million fresh stillbirths annually. While postnatal deaths have decline globally, neonatal deaths especially due to asphyxia have remained unchanged in developing countries, whereas most deliveries take place at home and attended by untrained personnel or with unskilled birth attendant to resuscitate the baby. Because most of all newborns that need resuscitation have no identy’Iable risk factor before birth, providers should be prepared to resuscitate every baby. Three out of four babies are saved with adequate resuscitation. Newborn resuscitation should begin as soon as asphyxia is ident~f led when the baby does not cry or breathe at all or is gasping after birth. The steps of neonatal resuscitation are: initial step, positive pressure ventilation (PP V), chest compression, and medication; however chest compression and medication are rarely needed when resuscitating newborn. Implementation of neonatal resuscitation program in many countries showed good impact in neonatal deaths. Therefore it is strongly suggested to be implemented in Indonesia.
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