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ArtikelThe Fine Line Between Evaluation and Explanation  
Oleh: Scriven, Michael
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Research on Social Work Practice vol. 9 no. 4 (Jul. 1999), page 521-524.
Fulltext: 521RSWP94.pdf (12.91KB)
Isi artikelThe author argues that evaluation efforts such as outcome studies can be profitably undertaken in the absence of knowing how or why a program works. This is labeled black box evaluation. In gray box evaluation, one may discern the components of an intervention but not their principles of operation. And in clear box evaluation, the inner workings of an intervention are fully revealed. The professional imperative of the evaluator is to evaluate. To do this we do not need to know how the programs work or why they fail to work or even what their components are. (Abstract prepared by the Research on Social Work Practice editor.)
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