Anda belum login :: 13 Oct 2024 11:47 WIB
ArtikelWhen Do Ego Threats Lead to Self-Regulation Failure ? Negative Consequences of Defensive High Self-Esteem  
Oleh: Mann, Traci ; Lambird, Kathleen Hoffman
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ( vol. 32 no. 09 (2006), page 1177-1187.
Topik: SELF ESTEEM; self - esteem; implicit self - esteem; self regulation; ego threat; defensiveness
Fulltext: 1177.pdf (133.47KB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: PP45.27
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Isi artikelHigh self - esteem (HSE) is increasingly recognized as heterogeneous. By measuring subtypes of HSE, the present research reevaluates the finding that HSE individuals show poor self - regulation following ego threat (Baumeister, Heatherton, & Tice, 1993). In Experiment 1, participants with HSE showed poor self - regulation after ego threat only if they also were defensive (high in self - presentation bias). In Experiment 2, two measures - self - presentation bias and implicit self - esteem - were used to subtype HSE individuals as defensive. Both operationalizations of defensive HSE predicted poor self - regulation after ego threat. The results indicate that : (a) only defensive HSE individuals are prone to self - regulation failure following ego threat and (b) measures of self - presentation bias and implicit self - esteem can both be used to detect defensiveness.
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