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ArtikelElectro-Oculographic Guidance of a Wheelchair Using Eye Movements Codification  
Oleh: Lopez, E. David ; Barea, R. ; Boquete, L. ; Bergasa, L. M. ; Mazo, M.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: The International Journal of Robotics Research vol. 22 no. 7-8 (Jul. 2003), page 641-652.
Topik: electro-oculographic potential; eye model; control system; handicapped people; wheelchair
Fulltext: 641.pdf (235.08KB)
Isi artikelIn this paper we present a new method to guide mobile robots. An eye-control device based on electro-oculography (EOG) is designed to develop a system for assisted mobility. Control is made by means eye movements detected using electro-oculographic potential. Using an inverse eye model, the saccadic eye movements can be detected and know where the user is looking. This control technique can be useful in multiple applications, but in this work it is used to guide a wheelchair for helping people with severe disabilities. The system consists of a standard electric wheelchair, an on-board computer, sensors and a graphical user interface. Finally, we comment on some experimental results and conclusions about electrooculographic guidance using ocular commands.
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