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ArtikelCrime and Risky Behaviour in Traffic : An Example of Cross - Situational Consistency  
Oleh: West, Robert ; Junger, Marianne ; Timman, Reiner
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency ( vol. 38 no. 4 (Nov. 2001), page 439-459.
Topik: SELF CONTROL; cross - situational consistency; impulsiveness; labeled risk - taking; lack of self - control; identify individuals; crime and risky; behaviour
Fulltext: 439.pdf (1.88MB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: JJ95.2
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Isi artikelThis study looks at the relationship between risky behaviour in traffic and criminal behaviour. Analyses were based on a random sample of 1531 persons involved in traffic accidents. The data came from two independent police databases : the accient regristration system and a national database on offending. Description of the accidents by the police were used to identify individuals who had displayed risky traffic behaviour contributing to or causing an accident, evidence of offending was based on a register of contracts with police. This methodology meant that there was no self - selection bias or self - report bias as may occur in survey data. Exposure to traffic accident risk was controlled for. Log - linear analyses, controlling for gender and age, revealed that persons who displayed risky traffic behaviour leading to the accident had an odds ratio of 2.6 for having a police record for violent crime, of 2.5 for vandalusm, 1.5 for property crime and 5.3 for having been involved in traffic crime. The results were consistent with the idea of a common factor underlying risky behaviour in traffic and criminal behaviour. This underlying trait may represent a general disregard for the long term adverse consequences of one's actions and could be labeled risk - taking, impulsieness or lack of self - control.
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