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ArtikelAn Empirical Test of A General Theory of Crime : A Four - Nation Comparative Study of Self - Control And The Prediction of Deviance  
Oleh: Vazsonyi, Alexander T. ; Pickering, Lloyd E. ; Junger, Marianne ; Hessing, Dick
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency ( vol. 38 no. 2 (May 2001), page 91-131.
Topik: Prediction; crime; self control
Fulltext: 91.pdf (3.83MB)
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Isi artikelThe current investigation examined the psychometric properties of grasmick et al's self - control measure and its relationship with deviance on large, representative adolescent samples (N = 8,417) from hungary, the netherlands, switzerland and the united states. Important findings indicate that : 1. the self - control measure is multidimensional 2. the self - control measure is tenable for males, females, five different age groups (15- , 16-, 17-, 18-, and 19- year-olds) and adolescents from four different countries 3. deviance as assessed by the normative deviance scale (NDS) can be reliably measured in different countries 4. self - control accounts for 10 to 16 percent of the total variance explained in different types of deviance and for 20 percent in total deviance, and 5. developmental processes involving self - control and deviance are largely invariant by national context. The investigation provides further support for the multidimensional self - control measure and its relationship with deviance independent of national context.
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