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ArtikelHigher Order Factor Structure of A Self - Control Test : Evidence From Confirmatory Factor Analysis With Polychoric Correlations  
Oleh: Flora, David B. ; Foshee, Vangie A. ; Finkel, Eli J.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 63 no. 1 (2003), page 112-127.
Topik: SELF CONTROL; self - control; factor analysis; higher order models; weighted least squares
Fulltext: 112.pdf (160.53KB)
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Isi artikelThe self - control test developed by Grasmick, Tittle, Bursik and Arneklev was designed to measure each of size components of self - control, namely, impulsivity, a preference for simple rather than complex tasks, risk seeking, a preference for physical rather than cerebral activities, a self - centered orientation, and a volatile temper. This conceptualization clearly suggests that self - control may be defined as a higher order construct that eladas to each of these components, which in turn may be represented as first - order factors or constructs. However, due to various limitations, previous analyses of the test failed to established this factor structure. By emplying proper methods for the factor analysis of liker - type items and explicitly testing a higher order structure, the authors show that the self - control test may provide more valid measurement of the psychological constructs it was intended to measure than previous research suggests.
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