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ArtikelA Construct Validity Study of Scores on A Korean Version of an Academic Self - Concept Scale for Secondary School Students  
Oleh: Michael, William B. ; Chong, Sandra
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 60 no. 1 (2000), page 117-130.
Topik: self concept; validity; secondary school students; psychological tests; self image
Fulltext: 117.pdf (76.49KB)
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Isi artikelFor each of three samples of 213 8 th grade girls, 191 11 th - grade boys and 213 11 th - grade girls attending schools in korea, the two fold of this investigation was to obtain evidence of the internal - consistency reliability and construct validity of scores on each of the five factor subscales of a korean version of an academic self -concept instrument titled. Dimensions of self - concept (DOSC), form S, internal - consistency estiamtes of the reliability of scores on the five - 14 item factor subscales fell between 0,63 and 0,89 with a median value approximatinf 0,78. Confirmatory maximum - likelihood factor analyses for five alternative substantive factor models indicated that both a five - factor oblique model and a hierarchical factor model comprising a general factor correlated with interrelated first - oder factors explained the greatest percentage of covariance int he two matrices for the two samples of 11th - grade students. The five hypothesized constructs of the DOSC, Form S. (Korean version) received at least modest empirical support.
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