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ArtikelEarly Adversity, Psychopathology, and Latent Class Profiles of Global Physical Health From Preschool Through Early Adolescence  
Oleh: Whalen, Diana J. ; Belden, Andy C. ; Tillman, Rebecca ; Barch, Deanna M. ; Luby, Joan L.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of Biobehavioral Medicine vol. 78 no. 09 (Nov. 2016), page 1008-1018.
Topik: Adversity; Physical Health; Childhood; Mental Health; Growth Mixture Modeling
Fulltext: P01 v78 n9 p1008 kelik2016.pdf (382.42KB)
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Isi artikelObjective: The purpose of the present report was to describe the longitudinal trajectories of physical health beginning during preschool and continuing into early adolescence; explore whether these trajectories were predicted by psychosocial adversity, family income-to-needs ratio, and psychiatric disorders occurring during the preschool period; and determine whether psychiatric disorders mediated these relations. Methods: Participants included 296 children participating in a longitudinal study of early-onset psychopathology spanning 10 years. Semistructured clinical interviews were conducted with caregivers to determine children's psychiatric diagnoses between ages 3 and 6 years. Caregivers also completed annual assessments of their child's physical health problems (ages 3–13) and reported on the family's income and indicators of psychosocial adversity. Results: Growth mixture modeling revealed 2 trajectories of physical health problems: a stable, low group (n = 199) and a high, increasing group (n = 57) indicating linear increases in physical health problems from ages 3 to 13. Preschool psychiatric diagnoses (Estimate [Est] = 0.05, p < .001), family income-to-needs ratio (Est = -0.01, p = .012), and psychosocial adversity (Est = 0.02, p = .015) predicted membership in the high, increasing trajectory of physical health problems. Early-onset psychopathology mediated relations between psychosocial adversity and physical health problems (aß = 0.31, p = .050) and between income-to-needs ratio and physical health problems (aß = -0.29, p < .021). Conclusions: These findings indicate the importance of early indicators of risk: low income-to-needs ratios, high psychosocial adversity, and psychiatric disorders occurring during the preschool period for contributing to increasing physical health problems from preschool through early adolescence. Early-onset psychiatric disorders also mediated relations between psychosocial adversity, income-to-needs ratio, and physical health problems.
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