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ArtikelCharacterization of Thermoplasma Species Cultured from Sampling on Tangkuban Perahu, Indonesia  
Oleh: Malik, Amarila ; Santoso, Iman ; Yehuda, Andi ; Freisleben, Seruni K. U. ; Inawatiwanandi, Septelia ; Huber, Harald ; Luthfa, Zessinda ; Saleh, Rosari ; Freisleben, Hans-Joachim
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Microbiology Indonesia vol. 08 no. 1 (Mar. 2014), page 16-23.
Topik: archaea; Indonesian volcanoes; Tangkuban Perahu; tetraether lipid; Thermoplasma
Fulltext: 207-787-1-PB.pdf (136.47KB)
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Isi artikelArchaea is an organisme with unique feature because of its ability to inhabit an extremophyle conditions. Our expeditions to Tangkuban Perahu,West Java aimed to obtain archaealstrains from the solfatara fields located in Domas crater. From the samples, we intended to culture species growing around 55 C below pH 2, which until now have not yet been fully characterized. We collected five samples from mud holes with temperatures from 52 C to 57 C and pH below 2. In serial cultures of up to 8 transfers in Freundt’s medium we grew tetraetherlipid synthesizing species as documented by phase contrast microscope. Total membrane lipid extracts were analysed by thin layer chromatography; the pattern matched total lipid extracts from DSM 1728 membranes. For confirmation, 16S rDNA identification performing PCR and sequencing were carried-out. Analysis using BLAST showed identities as the highest similarity of 99%, followed by also with99% similarity (ANKF776908 and ANKF776909). This is the first report of culturing cell-wall-less thermoacidophilicarchaea,in particular species in Indonesian laboratories.
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