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Collection Detail
Two Modes of Correcting Communicative Tasks: Recent Findings
O'Relly, Leonor Y.
Flaitz, Jeffra
Kromrey, Jeffrey
Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi:
Foreign Language Annals (Full Text; di PROQUEST 2004 - terbaru) vol. 34 no. 3 (2001)
page 246-257.
Isi artikel
The purpose of this study, an expansion of Nobuyoshi and Ellis5 (1993) experiment, was to examine the output produced by 46 university students of Spanish at the intermediate level during focused or unfocused communication tasks that required the use of the command forms in Spanish. The study also examined whether the learners who experienced the focused communication tasks would maintain linguistic accuracy during an unfocused communication task after five weeks had passed. Learners were randomly assigned to one of three groups. Two of the groups participated in focused communication tasks and receivedfeedback on form by means of clarification requests or corrective confirmation checks. The other group participated in unfocused communication tasks and did not receivefeedback on form. A one-way ANOVA revealed that differences in mean scores on a delayed posttest were not statistically signifcant. However students who received confirmation checks scored higher than did students in the other groups. Nevertheless, communicative tasks designed to elicit a more accurate output from learners may be better suitedfor reinforcing linguistic features that have already been introduced to and internalized by learners.
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