Anda belum login :: 09 Oct 2024 01:05 WIB
Artikel‘Maman, je suis polyglotte!’: A Case Study of Multilingual Language Acquisition from 0 to 5 Years  
Oleh: Maneva, Blagovesta
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: International Journal of Multilingualism (Full Text) vol. 1 no. 2 (2004), page 109-122.
Topik: multilingualism; acquisition; input; code-separation; codemixing
Fulltext: 01_02_Maneva.pdf (119.94KB)
Isi artikelThis paper presents and discusses some longitudinal observations of a case study of multilingual language acquisition from birth to the age of five. The analyses are based on data provided from written observations and audio recordings made on a regular basis. The child in this study is acquiring two minority languages at home and the two official languages of the community outside of the home. Similarities and differences in the acquisition of these four languages are examined. The conditions in which the language acquisition takes place, as well as the role of the linguistic input, the respect of the ‘one person–one language’ principle, the separation of codes, codemixing and codeswitching phenomena, are also discussed. The child’s metalinguistic awareness and her attitude towards her multilingualism are shown to be consequences of her positive experience with multilingual language acquisition.
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