Anda belum login :: 19 Feb 2025 09:04 WIB
ArtikelLanguage-specific cortical activation patterns for verbal fluency tasks in Japanese as assessed by multichannel functional near-infrared spectroscopy  
Oleh: Dan, Haruka ; Dan, Ippeita ; Sano, Toshifumi ; Kyutoku, Yasushi ; Oguro, Keiji ; Yokota, Hidenori ; Tsuzuki, Daisuke ; Watanabe, Eiju
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Brain and Language (Full Text) vol. 126 no. 2 (2013), page 208-216.
Topik: Semantic word fluency; Phonological word fluency; Mora; Syllable; fNIRS; Optical topography; Culture-specificity; Aphasia; Attention; Task difficulty
Fulltext: 126_02_Dan.pdf (1.13MB)
Isi artikelIn Japan, verbal fluency tasks are commonly utilized as a standard paradigm for neuropsychological testing of cognitive and linguistic abilities. The Japanese ‘‘letter fluency task’’ is a mora/letter fluency task based on the phonological and orthographical characteristics of the Japanese language. Whether there are similar activation patterns across languages or a Japanese-specific mora/letter fluency pattern is not certain. We investigated the neural correlates of overt mora/letter and category fluency tasks in healthy Japanese. The category fluency task activated the bilateral fronto-temporal language-related regions with left-superior lateralization, while the mora/letter fluency task led to wider activation including the inferior parietal regions (left and right supramarginal gyrus). Specific bilateral supramarginal activation during the mora/letter fluency task in Japanese was distinct from that of similar letter fluency tasks in syllable-alphabet-based languages: this might be due to the requirement of additional phonological processing and working memory, or due to increased cognitive load in general.
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