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ArtikelManufacturing Information System For Small And Medium Enterprise (Case Study Textile SME)  
Oleh: Hasanati, Nida’ul ; Biki, Munawir ; Pradani, Winangsari ; Nurhasanah, Nunung ; Hidayat, Syarif
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: Proceeding The 7th International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (7th ISIEM) di Bali, March 11th – 13th, 2014, page DSS 73-78.
Topik: production information system; scheduling; raw material; textile; small and medium enterprise; SME
Fulltext: Paper 71 Nida'ul Hasanati UAI.pdf (346.73KB)
Isi artikelInformation system (IS) has becoming as one of important thing in such a technology era like now. With the help of some good IS, operational work like certain manufactory could really improve, as well as their business profit. Industrial manufactory like SME XYZ, is Small and Medium Enterprise who already had some distributors in Indonesia to sell their Muslim dress and shirts. Actually, they need some IS to be able to manage their production scheduling system, so they could keep making good delivery product with their best possibility. The purpose of this IS is to optimize the scheduling process in production activity and ordering of raw materials. Distributor fulfillment could be realized hopefully after the implementation of this IS, so there will be no delay anymore when delivering product has to do to every SME’s distributor. Furthermore, availability of every raw-materialswill always be under control with the information provide by this IS, and so some problem like lack of raw-materialscould be avoided surely
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