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ArtikelUtopia, Heterotopia, and Mediatopia: Rethinking Foucault and Performativity in Krisna Murti's Video Artworks  
Oleh: Allo, Katherina ; Piliang, Yasraf Amir
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Melintas: An International Journal of Philosophy and Religion vol. 26 no. 01 (Apr. 2010), page 53-62.
Topik: Utopia; Heterotopia; Media technology; Performativity; Space appropriation; Art appropriation; Foucault
Fulltext: 26_01_Katherina Allo.pdf (160.75KB)
Isi artikelAs the epoch of space confronts us with its multiplicity of networks, a new architectonics of space has begun to raise its own construction. Foucault’s terminology of utopia and heterotopia has covered the delineation of the other spaces, spaces which invert, mirror, suspend, and neutralize the real spaces of society. With the propagation of moving images into the space of our daily life, every space at any given moment can turn into an image of utopia as well as a construction of heterotopia. As Foucault says, now is the epoch of space, now is the time to re-value and re-define the contemporary space we live in.
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