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Cultural and Religious Issues in Healthcare
Swota, Alissa Hurwitz
Article from Books - E-Book
Dalam koleksi:
Guidance for Healthcare Ethics Committees
page 25-31.
Integrating Culture
Illuminating Cultural and Religious Values
Policy and Education
Cultural and Religious Issues in Healthcare.pdf
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Healthcare ethics committee (HEC) members are oten confronted by cases where commu- nication breaks down. here are obvious, pragmatic diiculties with patients who speak a diferent language than care providers, and in such cases even something as simple as using the services of a trained medical translator can resolve many issues. But more troubling for HECs are patients whose cultural or religious commitments constitute a unique set of values and goals for the healthcare encounter. his is especially true in light of an increasingly culturallydiversepatientpopulation.Moreandmore,healthcareisprovidedandnegotiated across complex, foreign terrain. Oten, operating in the background is the assumption that everyone comes to the table with a common understanding and shared expectations of the healthcare encounter (Sanchez et al., 1996). Such an assumption can easily lead to conlict and misunderstandings. One laudable, but ultimately unsatisfactory, efort to deliver culturally efective care and avoid conlict and misunderstanding uses a kind of “cookbook” approach to understanding cultural values and diferences. hese kinds of approaches attempt to provide professionals with detailed tenets from as many diferent cultures or religions as possible. While this approach may yield some good information and help to raise awareness of diferences in values and goals, 1 it is both unrealistic (impossible to fully achieve) and misguided (may lead to stereotypes and other poor judgments).
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