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ArtikelPola pemberdayaan usaha guna meningkatkan kinerja pedagang kaki lima  
Oleh: Sukarno, Gendut ; Aliwarman, Fauzul
Jenis: Article from Proceeding
Dalam koleksi: Call For Papers dan Seminar Nasional : Pengelolaan Industri Kreatif Sebagai Penunjang Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan, page A011.
Topik: Organization Developing; Business Partnership; Business Establishing; Street Vendor Empowering; Street Vendor Performance
Fulltext: 11_PolapemberdayaanUsaha.pdf (299.77KB)
Isi artikelThe street vendor existence as a part of informal business sector have potency to create and extend job opening especially for worker that do not have enough ability and special skill to work in formal sector because of their education factor. The street vendor often fulfill the street and disturbt traffic regulation. The disturbance at street infrastructure caused a traffic jam. The aim of this research is to analyze the conseptual model of street vendor in Surabaya. The data will be analyzed use organization developing analysis, partnership, establishing, and business performance through street vendor empowering. This research is hoped to help government to make policy in order to solve the problem about traffic jam, arrangement of the city and also to improve performance of street vendor. Sample for this research is 100 street vendor from 10 locations in Surabaya. We used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) as the analysis technique for this research. With used AMOS 4.01, we found that developing of street vendor organization can not give contribution to street vendor empowering significantly and patnership can not give significant contribution to street vendor empowering. However, establishing of street vendor can give significant contribution to street vendor empowering. Likewise, street vendor empowering can give contribution to street vendor performance significantly.
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