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ArtikelCracking the Next Growth Market: Africa  
Oleh: Chironga, Mutsa ; Leke, Acha ; Lund, Susan ; Wamelen, Arend van
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Harvard Business Review bisa di lihat di link ( vol. 89 no. 5 (May 2011), page 117-122.
Topik: Economics -- Research; Marketing Research; Infrastructure (Economics); Risk Management in Business; Economic Development; Transition Economies; Petroleum -- Export & Import Trade; Business Planning; Microeconomics; Income; Training; Africa -- Economic conditions -- 1960-
Fulltext: Cracking the Next Growth Market.pdf (1.72MB)
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Isi artikelIn the 2000s, the African economy finally began to stir. Africa is today the worlds' third-fastest growing region, and its collective GDP is equal to Brazil's and Russia's. Africans spend nearly $900 billion on goods and services-far more than Indians do. Pent-up consumer demand on the continent is enormous, and so are the opportunities: Consider that telecom companies have added 316 million subscribers-more than the U.S. population-in Africa since 2000. Yet because of political instability and poverty, many companies have reservations about Africa. To help managers assess whether growth will continue there-and if so, where-McKinsey conducted an economic analysis of the continent and studied its consumer markets. The conclusion:Companies can no longer ignore Africa. But they need to manage risks, develop innovative strategies to deal with gaps in infrastructure and training, and recognize that it isn't one market. There are four main types of economies: diversified, oil exporting, transition, and pretransition. Each presents a different set of opportunities and challenges, and executives must develop their strategies accordingly.
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