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ArtikelInterpersonal Influences on Self-Regulation  
Oleh: Fitzsimons, Gráinne M. ; Finkel, Eli J.
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Current Directions in Psychological Science vol. 19 no. 02 (Apr. 2010), page 101-105.
Topik: Self-Regulation; Goals; Motivation; Interpersonal Relationships
Fulltext: 07. Interpersonal Influences on Self-Regulation.pdf (226.28KB)
Isi artikelSince the 1960s, personality and social psychologists have taken major strides toward understanding the intrapersonal processes that promote successful self-regulation. The current article reviews insights into the understanding of self-regulation gained by examining the impact of interpersonal processes on the initiation, operation, and monitoring of goals. We review research suggesting that other people can act as triggers of goals, causing people to unconsciously initiate new goal pursuits; that interpersonal interactions can tap self-control, leaving people with depleted resources for goal pursuit; that relationship partners can support goal operation, leading to more effective goal pursuit; and that the social environment can facilitate effective monitoring of one’s extant goal progress and likelihood of future goal achievement.
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