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ArtikelPeran Sikap, Norma Subjektif, dan Persepsi Kendali Perilaku Dalam Memprediksi Intensi Wanita Melakukan Pemeriksaan Payudara Sendiri  
Oleh: Arum, Meilisha Djati ; Mangkunegara, A. A. Anwar Prabu
Jenis: Article from Journal
Dalam koleksi: Psikobuana : Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi vol. 01 no. 03 (Feb. 2010), page 162-172.
Topik: Theory of Planned Behavior; Intention; Attitude; Subjective Norm; Perceived Behavioral Control; Breast Self examination (BSE)
Fulltext: Peran Sikap, Norma Subjektif, dan Persepsi Kendali.pdf (172.25KB)
Isi artikelThe objective of this study is to find how attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control (PBC) play in women's intention prediction for performing breast cancer early detection by breast self-examination (BSE) technique. The theory used is the theory of planned behavior (TPB). This is a quantitative research with ex-post-facto field study design and the research instrument was an attitude scale. Using the accidental sampling technique, there were 120 female students of the Mercu Buana University - Jakarta as participants of this study. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that: a) attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control (PBC) was interactively influential for the intention prediction; b) attitude and perceived behavioral control (PBC) independently and significantly are able to predict the intention; and c) subjective norm alone is not significantly able to predict the intentions.
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