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ArtikelPlaying by The Rules : How Intel Avoids Anti-Trust Litigation  
Oleh: Yoffie, David B. ; Kwak, Mary
Jenis: Article from Bulletin/Magazine - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Harvard Business Review bisa di lihat di link ( vol. 79 no. 6 (2001), page 119-124.
Topik: litigation; antitrust laws; compliance; corporate law; legal aspects of business; litigation; monopolies
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: HH10.16
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
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Isi artikelMicrosoft and Intel are both obvious targets for antitrust litigation ; both wield considerable control in their respective segments of the computer industry. But while Microsoft has been mired in court for years now - its name and business practices dragged through the mud, and its very future as a single company thrown into doubt -Intel has avoided a prolonged, high - profile antitrust case. Intel's success is not a matter of luck. The company's antitrust compliance program, refined over many years, has been an integral element in the chip maker's business strategy. In this article, the authors suggest that Intel's approach to compliance provides a valuable model for any enterprise that may come under regulators' scrutiny. They describe how Intel created extremely conservative antitrust compliance standards and then instituted a series of unique training events that had active support from then - CEO Andy Grove and others in senior management. Intel recognizes that no matter how cautious it is, it will always face extraordinary scrutiny as a market leader. But "since antitrust is embedded in everything we do," Grove says, "we can control our destiny."
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