Anda belum login :: 07 Mar 2025 09:11 WIB
ArtikelRelations Among Maternal Socialization, Effortful Control, and Maladjustment in Early Childhood  
Oleh: Eisenberg, Nancy ; Spinrad, Tracy L. ; Eggum, Natalie D. ; SILVA, KASSONDRA M. ; Reiser, Mark ; HOFER, CLAIRE ; Smith, Cynthia L. ; GAERTNER, BRIDGET M. ; Kupfer, Anne ; POPP, TIERNEY ; MICHALIK, NICOLE
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Development and Psychopathology vol. 22 no. 3 (Aug. 2010), page 507–525.
Topik: Maternal; Effortful; Maladjustment; Childhood
Fulltext: 507–525.pdf (470.41KB)
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Isi artikelIn a sample of 18-, 30-, and 42-month-olds, the relations among parenting, effortful control (EC), and maladjustmentwere examined. Parentingwas assessed with mothers’ reports and observations; EC was measured with mothers’ and caregivers’ reports, as well as a behavioral task; and externalizing and internalizing symptoms were assessed with parents’ and caregivers’ reports. Although 18-month unsupportive (vs. supportive) parenting negatively predicted EC at 30 months, when the stability of these variableswas taken into account, therewas no evidence of additional potentially causal relations between these two constructs. Although EC was negatively related to both internalizing and externalizing problems within all three ages as well as across 1 year, EC did not predict maladjustment once the stability of the constructs and within time covariation between the constructswere taken into account. In addition, externalizing problems at 30 months negatively predicted EC at 42 months, and internalizing problems at 30 months positively predicted EC at 42 months, but only when the effects of externalizing on EC were controlled. The findings are discussed in terms of the reasons for the lack of causal relations over time.
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