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ArtikelThe Revised NEO Personality Inventory As Predictor Of Police Academy Performance  
Oleh: Detrick, Paul ; Chibnall, John T. ; Luebbert, Michael C.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Criminal Justice and Behavior vol. 31 no. 6 (Dec. 2005), page 676-694.
Topik: law enforcement personnel; personnel training; personnel selection; NEO Personality Inventory; five-factor personality model; personality measures
Fulltext: 676.pdf (119.98KB)
Isi artikelPreemployment psychological evaluation utilizing personality inventories is common in law enforcement settings. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO PI-R), developed from the five-factor theory of normal personality functioning, has proven useful in personnel selection. This study examined the predictive validity of NEO PI-R facet scales for predicting academic, firearms, physical, and disciplinary elements of police academy performance, as well as academy graduation. Results indicated that recruits higher in Values and lower in Excitement- Seeking did better academically, those lower in Anxiety did better at firearms, and those lower in Deliberation and Fantasy and higher in Activity did better in physical training. In a logistic regression analysis, Excitement-Seeking, Ideas, and Values predicted disciplinary memos, whereas Self-Consciousness, Altruism, Feelings, Order, Positive Emotions, and Vulnerability predicted absenteeism. Vulnerability to stress was the sole multivariate predictor of graduation. The use of the NEO PI-R as a selection instrument for police officers appears promising.
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