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ArtikelEffects of a Protein Preload on Gastric Emptying, Glycemia, and Gut Hormones After a Carbohydrate Meal in Diet-Controlled Type 2 Diabetes  
Oleh: Jing, Ma ; Stevens, Julie E. ; Cukier, Kimberly ; Maddox, Anne F.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Diabetes Care vol. 32 no. 09 (Sep. 2009), page 1600-1602.
Topik: DIABETES; DIABETES MELLITUS; Protein Preload; Gastric Emptying; Glycemia; and Gut Hormones; Carbohydrate Meal; Diet-Controlled Type 2 Diabetes
  • Perpustakaan FK
    • Nomor Panggil: D05.K.2009.03
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelOBJECTIVE : We evaluated whether a whey preload could slow gastric emptying, stimulate incretin hormones, and attenuate postprandial glycemia in type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS : Eight type 2 diabetic patients ingested 350 ml beef soup 30 min before a potato meal; 55 g whey was added to either the soup (whey preload) or potato (whey in meal) or no whey was given. RESULTS : Gastric emptying was slowest after the whey preload (P < 0.0005). The incremental area under the blood glucose curve was less after the whey preload and whey in meal than after no whey (P < 0.005). Plasma glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, insulin, and cholecystokinin concentrations were higher on both whey days than after no whey, whereas glucagon-like peptide 1 was greatest after the whey preload (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS : Whey protein consumed before a carbohydrate meal can stimulate insulin and incretin hormone secretion and slow gastric emptying, leading to marked reduction in postprandial glycemia in type 2 diabetes.
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