Anda belum login :: 07 Oct 2024 17:35 WIB
ArtikelComplication after second trimester surgical and medical abortion.  
Oleh: Blumenthal, Paul D ; Blanchard, Kelly ; Grossman, Daniel A.
Jenis: Article from Books
Dalam koleksi: Reproductive health matters: Second trimester abortion: women's health and public policy, page 173.
Topik: Second Trimester Medical Abortion; Dilatation & Evacuation; Safety and Efficacy; Canada; Scotland; United States; Viet Nam
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Isi artikelSecond trimester abortion is associated with higher rates of complications compared to first trimester abortion. Dilatation and evacuation (D&E) and medical induction using misoprostol alone or a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol are the methods most commonly used for later abortion in developed countries, yet little research has directly compared them. We reviewed the literature on PubMed and identified only one small randomised controlled trial and one retrospective cohort study with comparative data for these methods, although the cohort study did not include cases using the mifepristone regime. We expanded our search to include case series and cohort studies for a single method. In the randomised trial, women undergoing medical induction reported significantly more pain and experienced more adverse events.
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