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ArtikelMagnetic Susceptibility Variation Of MSW Compost-Amended Soils: In-Situ Method For Monitoring Heavy Metal Contamination  
Oleh: Yoshida, Mitsuo ; Jedidi, Naceur ; Hamdi, Helmi ; Ayari, Fethia ; Hassen, Abdennaceur ; M’Hiri, Ali
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Waste Management & Research vol. 21 no. 2 (Apr. 2003), page 155-160.
Topik: Magnetic susceptibility; municipal solid waste (MSW); compost; heavy metal; soil contamination; wmr 612–6.
Fulltext: 155.pdf (1.27MB)
Isi artikelMagnetic susceptibility was measured for agricultural soils in Mornag area, Tunisia, where the soils were partly amended by manure or compost obtained from municipal solid waste stabilisation (‘MSW compost’). Our study indicates that natural non-treated soils and manureamended soils are always low in magnetic susceptibility, but MSW compost-amended soils show higher values of this parameter. Actually, the increase of magnetic susceptibility shows a direct correspondence with the increasing of the amount of MSW compost added to the soil. According to the magnetic mineralogical investigation carried out by isothermal remanent magnetisation acquisition technique, higher magnetic susceptibility values are depending on an increase in ferromagnetic components such as either magnetite (–Fe3O4) or maghemite (–Fe2O3) particles. The growth in content of these ferromagnetic components corresponds to an increase of the concentration of heavy metals in soils, which means that magnetic susceptibility indirectly indicates the concentration of heavy metals in MSW compost-amended soils.
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