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ArtikelAre Our Courses Working?: Measuring Student Learning  
Oleh: Chenoweth, N. Ann ; Every, David A. Van ; Gripp, Paul ; Hayes, John R. ; Littleton, Elizabeth ; Steinberg, Erwin R.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Written Communication ( sebagian Full Text) vol. 16 no. 1 (Jan. 1999), page 29-50.
Fulltext: 29.pdf (1.84MB)
Isi artikelThis article describes an assessment carried out in collaboration with the administrators of a large freshman English course. The assessment team worked with instructors to identify course goals and to design tasks that the instructors felt would fairly assess the extent to which the students achieved the goals. Students who did and did not take the course were both pre- and posttested on five central goals: critical reading, argument identification, differentiation of summary and paraphrase, understanding of key terms used in the course, and practical strategies for writing academic papers. Results of the assessment failed to indicate any substantial improvement on any of the five course goals for students who took the course. These results contrasted with positive outcomes obtained by the same assessment team with introductory history and statistics courses. The article concludes with reflections on why instructors may fail to recognize that their courses are not working.
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