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ArtikelRevisiting Unwanted Sexual Experiences on Campus: A 12-Year Follow-Up.  
Oleh: Banyard, Victoria L. ; Cohn, Ellen ; Plante, Elizabeth G. ; Walsh, Wendy A. ; Moorhead, Cari ; Ward, Sally K.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Violence Against Women vol. 11 no. 4 (Apr. 2005), page 426.
Topik: unwanted sexual experiences
Fulltext: 426.pdf (126.33KB)
Isi artikelThe current study examines patterns of stability and change in reports of unwanted sexual experiences in one campus community in two similar cohorts of undergraduates studied 12 years apart. A sample of 417 women completed a questionnaire in 2000, and this sample is compared to a sample of 524 women who completed the same questionnaire in 1988. Results indicate a reported decrease in unwanted sexual contact but indicate stability in reported rates of unwanted intercourse. Across forms of unwanted sexual experiences, more patterns of similarity than difference in abuse characteristics, such as relationship to perpetrator and location of the experience, are noted.
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