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Artikel"It’s Not Scary": Empowering Women Students to Become Researchers  
Oleh: Holley, Lynn C. ; Risley-Curtiss, Christina ; Stott, Tonia ; Jackson, Diane M. ; Nelson, Russell
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Affilia vol. 22 no. 1 (Feb. 2007), page 99-115.
Topik: teaching qualitative research; empowering women students; evaluation of teaching method; pedagogy
Fulltext: 99.pdf (109.15KB)
Isi artikelTo increase their research skills and confidence, students in a nonresearch-focused elective MSW course gathered qualitative data through cross-ethnic interviews for a formal research project. Qualitative findings from a focus group of students were used to examine the perspectives of the students, all but one of whom were women, about (a) changes in their knowledge of and attitudes toward research, (b) the struggles they experienced, and (c) whether such projects should be integrated into other courses. Implications for social work educators who are seeking to empower social work students, especially women, to conduct research are discussed.
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