Anda belum login :: 19 Feb 2025 12:59 WIB
Artikel"For us it is like living in the dark": ethiopian women’s experiences with domestic violence.  
Oleh: Senturia, Kirsten ; Sullivan, Marianne ; Negash, Tigist ; Shiu-Thornton, Sharyne ; Giday, Beruke
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Interpersonal Violence vol. 20 no. 8 (Aug. 2005), page 922.
Topik: Domestic Violence; Ethiopian; Immigrant; Women
Fulltext: 922.pdf (120.19KB)
Isi artikelThis article discusses the experiences of domestic violence among Ethiopian refugees and immigrants in the United States. A subset (n=18) of the larger study sample (N = 254) participated in three focus groups with Amharic-speaking survivors of domestic violence who were currently in or had left abusive relationships. The research was conducted through a public health department, University, andcommunity agency partnership. Findings show domestic violence as taking place within a context of immigration, acculturation, and rapid changes in family and social structure. Participants expressed a need for language and culture-specific domestic violence support and advocacy as well as education programs regarding U.S. laws and resources. Keywords: domestic
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