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ArtikelComments on Slavin: Synthesizing Evidence From Impact Evaluations in Education to Inform Action  
Oleh: Chatterji, Madhabi
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Educational Researcher vol. 37 no. 1 (Feb. 2008), page 23-26.
Topik: evaluation research; evidence-based practice; evidence screening; evidence standards; program evaluation; systematic reviews
Fulltext: 23.pdf (248.16KB)
Isi artikelTraditional methods for preparing systematic reviews and syntheses of effectiveness studies rely on a limited set of methodological criteria to include studies that measure and report effects too narrowly to forward the mission of evidence-based practice. This article discusses why and how the criteria for study selection, evidence screening, and synthesis need to be broadened when education programs are investigated for effects.
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