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ArtikelThe strange case of sustained dedication to an unfulfilling relationship: Predicting commitment and breakup from attachment anxiety and need fulfillment whitin relationships  
Oleh: Slotter, Erica B. ; Finkel, Eli J.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ( vol. 35 no. 1 (Jan. 2009), page 85-100.
Topik: commitment; breakup; self-determination theory; need fulfillment; attachment
Fulltext: 85.pdf (264.24KB)
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Isi artikelTwo studies investigated whether need fulfillment within relationships moderates the associations of attachment anxiety with relationship commitment and persistence. The authors hypothesized that individuals who experience low attachment anxiety would exhibit declining commitment and increased risk of breakup if their partner failed to meet their core psychological needs, whereas individuals who experience high attachment anxiety would not. Study 1 employed longitudinal procedures to examine the associations among need fulfillment within relationships, attachment anxiety, commitment, and breakup. Study 2 employed experimental procedures to examine whether the temporary activation of attachment anxiety alters the association of need fulfillment with commitment. As predicted, relative to their high anxiety counterparts, individuals experiencing low attachment anxiety reported less commitment at study entry (Studies 1 and 2), declining commitment over time (Study 1), and an increased risk of breakup (Study 1)—but only when their partner failed to help them fulfill their relatedness and autonomy needs.
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