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ArtikelThe Index of Attitudes Toward Homosexuals 30 Years Later: A Psychometric Study  
Oleh: Siebert, Darcy Clay ; Chonody, Jill ; Rutledge, Scott Edward ; Killian, Michael
Jenis: Article from Journal - e-Journal
Dalam koleksi: Research on Social Work Practice vol. 19 no. 2 (Mar. 2009), page 214-220.
Topik: negative attitudes toward homosexuality; measurement; psychometric analysis
Fulltext: 214.pdf (87.88KB)
Isi artikelObjective: The authors report a validation study of the Index of Attitudes toward Homosexuals (IAH) to examine its ongoing usefulness. Method: Students (n = 331) completed surveys anonymously. Exploratory factor analyses were conducted and group differences analyzed. Results: Content validity was established conceptually, and preliminary discriminant validity was established statistically. Factor analyses suggest a shortened 19-item measure (a = .92) with two subscales. Convergent validity was established by comparing the scores on the IAH and another measure of antigay bias. Groups differed on sex, age, religiosity, parenthood, race, and childhood urbanicity. Conclusion: The revised IAH demonstrates sound psychometric properties. It can be useful to evaluate antigay bias, it can prompt discussion, and it can be used as an outcome measure in intervention studies.
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