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ArtikelAnswers to 20 Questions About Interrater Reliability and Interrater Agreement  
Oleh: LeBreton, James M. ; Senter, Jenell L.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Organizational Research Methods vol. 11 no. 4 (Oct. 2008), page 815-852.
Topik: interrater agreement; interrater reliability; aggregation; multilevel modeling
Fulltext: 815.pdf (265.5KB)
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Isi artikelThe use of interrater reliability (IRR) and interrater agreement (IRA) indices has increased dramatically during the past 20 years. This popularity is, at least in part, because of the increased role of multilevel modeling techniques (e.g., hierarchical linear modeling and multilevel structural equation modeling) in organizational research. IRR and IRA indices are often used to justify aggregating lower-level data used in composition models. The purpose of the current article is to expose researchers to the various issues surrounding the use of IRR and IRA indices often used in conjunction with multilevel models. To achieve this goal, the authors adopt a question-and-answer format and provide a tutorial in the appendices illustrating how these indices may be computed using the SPSS software.
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