Anda belum login :: 19 Feb 2025 16:06 WIB
ArtikelLegal Column: New Court Decision Allows Employers to Force Employees to Arbitrate Disputes  
Oleh: Cohen, Andrew A. ; Letizia, John M.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Home Health Care Management & Practice vol. 14 no. 2 (Feb. 2002), page 149-150.
Topik: arbitration; court decisions; employee disputes
Fulltext: 149HHC142.pdf (62.22KB)
Isi artikelThe U.S. Supreme Court has issued a decision affirming the right of employers to require their employees to arbitrate disputes, including claims ofdiscriminatory discharge, and has found that such employees waive their right to sue in court for damages. Further proceedings before the Court could expand this ruling by limiting the power ofagencies that investigate discrimination claims when the employee has signed a valid agreement to arbitrate instead.
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