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ArtikelMaximizing the Availability of Cross-National Data on Homicide  
Oleh: Marshall, Ineke Haen ; Block, Carolyn Rebecca
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Homicide Studies vol. 8 no. 3 (Aug. 2004), page 267-310.
Topik: comparative methodology; homicide; index; international statistics
Fulltext: 267HS83.pdf (184.13KB)
Isi artikelBecause the number of countries in the world is relatively small comparedwith other data sets, missing data present a major problem in cross-national homicide research. This article illustrates how missing data problems in comparative homicide research may be addressed by composite measures. Indexes such as the International Homicide Index, which takes advantage of multiple data sources on homicide, not only maximize thenumber of countries represented by the indicator but also produce a more parsimonious and robust measure of lethal violence levels across nations. In addition, the combination of multiple indicators in a single index provides checks and balances on data quality, minimizing the influence of poor-quality data and maximizing the influence of valid and reliable data. This article reviews the history and details the method of creating the International Homicide Index.
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