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ArtikelProduksi Beta-1,3 Glukan dari Agrobacterium dan Aktivitas Penyembuhan Luka Terbuka pada Tikus Putih  
Oleh: Kusmiati ; Rachmawati, Fitria ; Siregar, Syafrida ; Nuswantara, Sukma ; Malik, Amarila
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah nasional - terakreditasi DIKTI
Dalam koleksi: Makara Seri Sains vol. 10 no. 1 (2006), page 24-29.
Topik: Agrobacterium sp BroI.2.1; Beta-1; 3 Glucan; Wound Healing
  • Perpustakaan Pusat (Semanggi)
    • Nomor Panggil: MM65.2
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 0)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Isi artikelProduction of beta-1,3 glucan from Agrobacterium and its wound healing activity on white rat. The objective this study was to determine the activity of beta-1,3 glucan product extracted from local Agrobacterium sp Bro 1.2 both wild-type and mutant-type, on opened-wound healing process. Beta-I ,3 glucan product was extracted I precipitation, and the purification was carried out by column chromatography as KCI gradient fractions. In this stud white Sprague Dawley rats were employed, and have been treated for opened-wound condition. Seven groups wc performed in this experiment, i.e. the negative control, the positive control employing povidone iodine, the two grou of two commercial beta- 1,3 glucan with 0,02 mg/4 cm2 each, and the last three groups of beta- 1,3 glucan as the t group with 0,02 mg/4 cm2, 0,10 mgI4 cm2 and 0,50 mgI4 cm2, respectively. The result showed significant differences wound-healing activity performing statistical analysis of the least significance between the negative control, the positi control, as well as the highest dose of the test group of beta-l,3 glucan, at the dose of 0,5 mg/4 cm2 (p
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