Anda belum login :: 10 Sep 2024 11:41 WIB
BukuSemantic anthropology
Author: Parkin, David (Editor)
Bahasa: (EN )    ISBN: 0-12-545180-6(Pb)    
Penerbit: Academic Press     Tempat Terbit: London    Tahun Terbit: 1982    
Jenis: Books
  • Perpustakaan PKBB
    • Nomor Panggil: 401.94 PAR s
    • Non-tandon: 1 (dapat dipinjam: 1)
    • Tandon: tidak ada
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Artikel dalam koleksi ini
  1. Social anthropology, language and reality, halaman 1-14
  2. Anthropological field research, and meaning creation and knowledge construction, halaman 15-38
  3. Meaning or moaning?an ethnographic note on a little understood tribe, halaman 39-64
  4. Theoretical landscapes, on a cross-cultural conception of knowledge, halaman 65-88
  5. Models, meaning and reflexivity, halaman 89-106
  6. Language vs the world: Notes on meaning for anthropologists, halaman 107-122
  7. "Semantics" and the "celt", halaman 123-144
  8. Establishing an ethnicity: The emergence of the "icelanders" in the early middle ages, halaman 145-160
  9. Semasiology: A semantic anthropologist's view of human movements and actions, halaman 161-182
  10. The sick who do not speak, halaman 183-196
  11. Getting to know you, halaman 197-210
  12. Personal names and social classification, halaman 211-226
  13. On a mental sausage machine and other nominal problems, halaman 227-240
  14. The creation of identity in spirit mediumship and possession, halaman 241-260
  15. Meaning and context: The interpretation of greetings in Kasigau, halaman 261-278
  16. The alternative meanings of number and counting, halaman 279-292

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