Anda belum login :: 04 Oct 2024 15:52 WIB
ArtikelA Multitrait - Multimethod Validity Investigation of Scores From A Professional Licensure Examination  
Oleh: Luecht, Richard M. ; Pitoniak, Mary J. ; Sireci, Stephen G.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 62 no. 3 (2002), page 498-516.
Topik: EXAMINATION; validity; CPA examinations; statistical analysis
Fulltext: 498.pdf (179.95KB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: EE30.7
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Isi artikelThe construct validity of scores from the uniform CPA examination was investigated through the construction of a multi trait - multi method matrix. The four section sof the exams were treated as distinct traits, and within - section subscores were created according to item format. First, campbell and fiske's four criteria were used to evaluate the matrix. After correcting, the correlations for attenuation due to unreliability, evidence was moderate for the presence of four discrete constructs within the exam. The monotrait - heteromethod correlations were larger than other correlations found within the matrix. Structural equation models were fit to the data to explore whether excessive method variance was present. The results indicated that there was very little method variance present in the data. The implications for understanding the constructs measured by this exam, and for evaluating the current practice of reporting separate exam section scores, are discussed.
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