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ArtikelUsing An Iterative Model to Conceptualize, Pilot Test, and Validate Scores From An Instrument Measuring Teacher Readiness for Educational Reforms  
Oleh: Ferron, John ; Sentovich, Christina ; Chatterji, Madhabi ; Rendina-Gobiff, Gianna
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Educational and Psychological Measurement vol. 62 no. 3 (2002), page 444-465.
Topik: instrumental variable; education reform; research; statistical methods; teacher education
Fulltext: 444.pdf (156.36KB)
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Isi artikelScores from the teacher readiness for educational reforms (TRER) instrument were validated using a six - phase, iterative model. Initial conceptualization, content validation, and pilot testing yielded a 61 - item instrument with seven subdomains (phases 1 - 4). Exploratory work (phase 5) using principal axis factor extraction supported a five - factor structure (data set 1, n = 393). Further exploration with a five - factor free - path model and a more constrained structural model yielded satisfactory fit values (bentler's comparative fit indexes of 0.94 and 0,93 respectively). Deletion of collapsing of items in phase 5 yielded a refined TRER with 43 items. Confirmatory work (phase 6) with a new data set (n = 392) showed little slippage in fit. Cronbach's alpha values ranged from 0,78 to 0,96 in final subdomain scores.
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