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ArtikelIdentity Relevance and Disruption as Predictors of Psychological Distress for Widowed and Divorced Women  
Oleh: Garmo, David S. de ; Kitson, Gay C.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Journal of Marriage and the Family vol. 58 no. 4 (Nov. 1996), page 983-997.
Topik: widowhood; marital separation; psychological distress; stress theory; identity theory; divorce
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Isi artikelBy using measures of identity relevance and identity disruption, we examined differences and similarities in the adjustment process for women who lost a spouse through death or divorce. We expected widowhood would be more disruptive of identity and more distressing than divorce. Based on work by Thoits (1991) and Burke (l991j, we predicted higher psychological distress in both groups for women who had higher subjective evaluations of their (ex) husbands, for women who had higher identity relevance or salience of a coupled identity, and for women who had experienced higher levels of identity disruption. The sample consisted of 173 widowed and 156 divorced '"omen matched on age, race, and median income of census tract of residence. Widowhood was more distressing and disruptive than divorce. However, multisample path analysis indicated that the adjustment process was also similar for both groups in terms of the impact of the identity process on psychological distress.
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