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ArtikelFlipping the Switch: Power, Social Dominance, and Expectancies of Mental Energy Change  
Oleh: Egan, Patrick M.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ( vol. 41 no. 3 (Mar. 2015), page 336-350.
Topik: power; executive functioning; social dominance orientation; individual differences; expectancies; self-regulation
Fulltext: PSPB_41_03_336.pdf (450.63KB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: PP45
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Isi artikelResearch suggests that high levels of interpersonal power can promote enhanced executive functioning capabilities. The present work explored whether this effect is contingent upon expectancies concerning power’s downstream cognitive consequences. Study 1 showed that social dominance orientation (SDO) predicted idiosyncratic expectancies of mental energy change toward interpersonal power. Study 2 showed that SDO moderated the executive functioning changes associated with interpersonal power and that this moderation effect was contingent upon changes in perceived mental depletion. Study 3 showed that directly manipulating expectancies of mental energy change concerning interpersonal power moderated the executive functioning consequences of power and that this moderation effect was contingent upon SDO and changes in perceived mental depletion. Together, the present findings underscore the importance of expectancies and individual differences in understanding the effects of interpersonal power.
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