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ArtikelReinvestigating the Noticing Function of Output  
Oleh: Uggen, Maren S.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Language Learning: A Journal of Research in Language Studies (Full Text) vol. 62 no. 2 (2012)
Topik: pushed output; noticing; stimulated recall; ESL; English conditional; replication
Fulltext: 62_02_Uggen.pdf (635.55KB)
Isi artikelA conceptual replication of Izumi and Bigelow’s research, this study used multiple measures to investigate second language (L2) learners’ processes in output-input-output sequences. Specifically, it examined whether producing the target language impacts learners’ attention to L2 structures in subsequent input. Thirty learners of English as a second language were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (EGs) and a control group (CG). The EGs were given opportunities for written output that elicited either the past or the present hypothetical-conditional (more complex vs. less complex structures) while the CG was not prompted to produce output requiring the use of the target structures. All groups engaged in follow-up reading and underlining activities. The input text modeled targetlike use of the relevant structure for the EGs. Subsequently, all participants produced a second essay and participated in a stimulated recall interview. While the quantitative underlining and test data did not support an effect of output (EGs vs. CG) on specific attention to grammar in subsequent text, the qualitative stimulated recall data revealed how output influences learners’ subsequent noticing of vocabulary and/or awareness of their linguistic limitations concerning grammar structures. Learning was greater with the more complex structure, which is discussed in light of the noticing hypothesis and information processing theory
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