Anda belum login :: 08 Nov 2024 23:08 WIB
ArtikelThe Healthcare Ethics Committee as Educator  
Oleh: Kinlaw, Kathy
Jenis: Article from Books - E-Book
Dalam koleksi: Guidance for Healthcare Ethics Committees, page 155-163.
Topik: HEC Self-Education; HEC as Educator; Complexity of Ethical Action; Broader Community
Fulltext: The Healthcare Ethics Committee as Educator.pdf (177.4KB)
Isi artikelOf all of the potential roles of healthcare ethics committees (HECs), the role of “educator” is arguably the most fundamental and enduring role of the committee. In addition to traditional training opportunities, every policy examined, every retrospective review of a recurring issue at the institution, every organizational and managed care issue studied, and every concurrent consultation becomes an opportunity for education – not only for committee members, but also for patients, families, and the healthcare staf at large. An efec- tive HEC will consider carefully and intentionally how its role as educator will be articulated and implemented and how the institution will evaluate the committee’s efectiveness in this role.
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