Anda belum login :: 10 Nov 2024 00:51 WIB
Oleh: Schonfeld, Toby
Jenis: Article from Books - E-Book
Dalam koleksi: Guidance for Healthcare Ethics Committees, page 71-79.
Topik: Privacy and Confidentiality; Values Supporting Confidentiality; Disclosure of Confidential Information
Fulltext: Confidentiality.pdf (165.0KB)
Isi artikelThe obligation to keep patient information conidential is one of the most commonly cited duties of healthcare professionals. All major professional organizations in healthcare include conidentiality provisions in their codes of ethics; hospitals and healthcare organizations include patient conidentiality protections as part of their policies and procedures; and federal regulations safeguard the right of patients to decide who is authorized to view their private health information. Yet respecting patient conidentiality can pose challenges. While respecting patient conidentiality is an important value in healthcare, it is not the only value in healthcare. When tensions arise, as in Al’s case above, knowing how to respond when respecting patient conidentiality conlicts with other professional values is an essential skill for members of ethics committees. his chapter will explore the ethical and regulatory framework of conidentiality protections as a way of understanding the values that support the obligation not to disclose patient information. Understanding why conidentiality is ethically important, as well as what might be delimiting values, will help ethics committee members in their adjudication of cases where there are conlicting values.
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