Anda belum login :: 04 Nov 2024 02:16 WIB
ArtikelFrogs and Ponds: A Multilevel Analysis of the Regulatory Mode Complementarity Hypothesis  
Oleh: Pierro, Antonio ; Presaghi, Fabio ; Higgins, E. Tory ; Klein, Kristen M. ; Kruglanski, Arie W.
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ( vol. 38 no. 2 (Feb. 2012), page 269-279.
Topik: Regulatory Mode; Locomotion; Assessment; Performance; Multilevel; Personality
Fulltext: PSPB_38_02_269.pdf (1,017.79KB)
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    • Nomor Panggil: PP45.45
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Isi artikelRegulatory mode is a psychological construct pertaining to the self-regulatory orientation of individuals or teams engaged in goal pursuit. Locomotion, the desire for continuous progress or movement in goal pursuit, and assessment, the desire to critically evaluate and compare goals and means, are orthogonal regulatory modes. However, they are also complementary, in that both locomotion and assessment are necessary for effectual goal pursuit. In the present research, the authors sought to demonstrate that multilevel regulatory mode complementarity can positively affect individual-level performance on goal-relevant tasks. The authors recruited 289 employees (177 men, 112 women) from preexisting work teams in workplace organizations in Italy and obtained (a) employees’ individual-level scores on the Regulatory Mode Scale and (b) supervisor ratings of each employee’s work performance. The results supported the multilevel complementarity hypothesis for regulatory mode. Limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed.
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