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ArtikelThe circulation of discourse: The case of deprecating remarks on trash radio  
Oleh: Turbide, Olivier ; Vincent, Diane ; Laforest, Marty
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Discourse Studies (Full Text) vol. 12 no. 5 (Oct. 2010), page 785-801.
Topik: circulation of discourse; influence of the media; pragmatics; reported speech; trash radio; verbal violence
Fulltext: 2010.12.785-801.pdf (368.9KB)
Isi artikelBecause it is provocative and is based on the denigration of absent third parties, shock jock discourse stimulates reactions that go well beyond the initial circle of listeners. Trash radio supporters and detractors alike take up the hosts’ deprecating remarks, reinterpret them and put them back into circulation. As the repetitions multiply, interweaving private speech and public speech, a complex web of circulation forms, attesting to the contagiousness of the discourse and the influence of the radio hosts. In order to capture and explain this mechanism of propagation, we propose a model of analysis that combines elements of linguistic, discursive and pragmatic description. The model is illustrated by a case study. We are led to observe that the extent and rate of propagation of deprecating remarks inevitably affect the image of the person targeted and, more fundamentally, tend to make an aggressive mode of expression part of the natural speechscape.
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