Anda belum login :: 14 Oct 2024 17:22 WIB
ArtikelParticipation through imitative repetitions  
Oleh: Johansen, Marianne
Jenis: Article from Journal - ilmiah internasional
Dalam koleksi: Discourse Studies (Full Text) vol. 12 no. 5 (Oct. 2010), page 763-783.
Topik: imitative repetitions; language socialization; overhearer; participation
Fulltext: 2010.12.763-783.pdf (348.34KB)
Isi artikelThis article provides an analysis of participation within the framework of language socialization with a focus on the child’s position as overhearer. The study suggests that a particular position as creative imitator is to be included within models of participation in order to account for the particular transition position in which the child transforms his position from overhearer to speaker. Through an empirical study it is demonstrated how an overhearing child (aged 2.2–2.4 years) embeds his contributions within the local social and interactional order through repetitions of other participants’ contributions. It is argued that these repetitions are social acts by which the child displays involvement in family conversations by orienting to their perspectives. The child can be seen to learn through others and not only from others.
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